Here are the WWII basic, standard sock. From 1940 service knits book.
These are called Spiral Socks. They are more like a hospital or heel-less sock. Pattern from a 1940 service knits book.
Here is a classic American Red Cross WWII sock that I knitted. Similar to the one above, but a slightly different pattern.
WWII knee caps. Also from the 1940 book.
WWII ear muffs. From the 1940 service knits book.
These are the WWII ear muffs that I knitted.
Here is a selection of various WWII sock styles, two types of knee caps, and a body belt.
These are all from the WWII knitting book, "Service Woollies for Air, Land, and Sea by Beehive.
(J and M are heel-less socks.)